Top 10 adventure gaming New Year's resolutions

Posted by Audrey Wells.
First posted on 31 December 1999. Last updated on 24 December 2009.
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The past year has been another difficult year for the adventure genre. The mainstream media still believes that the genre is either dead or dying. Of course, we, the adventure gamers, beg to differ. We believe there is a lot of rigor left in the genre. We hereby present to you a countdown of our somewhat tongue-in-cheek adventure gaming New Year's resolutions.

10. We, the adventure game developers, shall design games that run on an average computer system, instead of insisting to closely follow the ever-growing and expensive technology curve.

9. We, the adventure game designers, shall respect the sanity of our CD-ROM owning customers by reducing disk swapping to an absolute minimum.

8. We, the game developers, shall fully test a product and fix the bugs before its release, even if it means moving back the official release date. If new bugs are discovered after its initial release, we shall promptly release the patches.

7. We, the game publishers, shall spend more money on advertising and marketing adventure games instead of complaining about the meager profits because of not doing so.

6. We, the adventure game designers, shall not create an idiotically easy adventure game in order to appeal to a wider market audience that does not buy the game anyway.

5. We, the game publishers, shall not confuse adventure fans by mislabeling the genre of a game, such as action/adventure, role-playing/adventure, or others.

4. We, the foreign adventure game companies, shall humor the clamoring adventure fanatics by releasing all of our adventure games in North America.

3. We, the adventure game developers, shall respect our loyal customers by displaying only accurate system requirements on our game boxes.

2. We, the adventure gamers, shall support the adventure genre by building large towers of unplayed adventure games on and around our computer desks.

1. We, the adventure gamers, shall become an unprecedented force in the gaming community as we continually gain recognition from game developers as the collective voice for a thriving genre.

Happy adventure gaming in the new year!

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