Looking before one leaps

Posted by Peter Rootham-Smith.
First posted on 15 October 2006. Last updated on 15 October 2006.
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Playing is only part of the fun adventure games can add to one’s life. Aside from playing adventure games, one can also talk and write about them. Depending on one's definition of fun, one can even try to create an adventure game, though the latter may be more fun than some may want!

It is interesting to compare notes with other adventure gamers or read reviews written by game reviewers…

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Very Good

What you say rings true, when we look for a video game, we look for not only what we want to play, but what appeals to us the most. This could mean a number of things and ideals per individual. But you are right when you mention you can have two different people playing the same game and get different perspectives. This is good when you look into reviews. Reviews as you know are highly recommended because of their accuracy, depending on the writer's first hand knowledge on the game and adequate information from various sources.

Now, what makes a game great and above normal is clearly undefined because, like there is no one person the same, there cannot be a 'perfect' video game. What may look magnificent in ones eyes appears mediocre in someone elses eyes, wondering why ever did he/she pick that up?

In conclusion, I believe taking notes and looking at different perspectives should finalize your opinion on what you want and end your jounrney of questions. Always, however, be cautious of what the reviewers are saying. The reviewer should remain neutral to the gain, unearthing the pros and cons, but sometimes emotions leak and this is when you need to ask yourself if its worth listening to.

- Julian

Thailand By Julian • On 22 December 2006 • From Pattaya, Thailand